Friday, October 1, 2010

Digital Shmigital

Today I wasn't feeling like getting covered in paint and thinner, so I decided to fire up the old Photoshop CS4 and make some...thing.  This series of 4 cartoonish characters was the result.  Total time, about 2 hours, using only a mouse.  Too much of a poorfag for a tablet. 


  1. whoa, that's some serious talent, man.

    i think i like the first one the best. the way the hair is done.. very nice.

    nice color background variation too, very easy on the eyes.


  2. Pretty good free hand with a mouse. What kind of mousepad do you have?

  3. not bad for the mouse i like the second ones eyes

  4. @Ceedo it's some kind of laminate fiberboard with an extremely fine crosshatching pattern on it, lets the optical mouse have very fine control and sensitivity. Kind of looks like one of those old fashioned brown clipboards, without the clip.

  5. this is sweet man! I fucking hate drawing with mouses. fuuu.

  6. Hey! Nice skills, i need to draw more myself.

  7. those are really good, way better than I could make with a mouse
