Saturday, October 2, 2010


Fall Leaves.  5.5" x 8.5" Watercolor on Strathmore 140# paper.  Just practicing with yet another medium.


  1. I think the top leaf works much better than the bottom. Maybe the green is too prevalent or something, not sure. Really nice though, keep it up!

  2. I agree with Natsume on the green veins, but still a lot better than my nature journal sketches

  3. Yeah that's the trouble with watercolors, it was supposed to be a pale yellow-green, and looked like it in the pan when it was wet, but dry on paper it was much more green and vivid than I planned. Oh well, it's just a practice sketch, can't be afraid to make mistakes or I'd never get anything done.

  4. Watercolour is super fun. It looks really neat, but I think it needs some more texture (which can be very hard with watercolours!)

  5. I've never used watercolour...
